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The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from R34GTR :The Bale one is awesome too

Yet no one is talking about it... certainly not on the scale of the Suarez one.

It's funny.. i watch every Liverpool match..often more than once (I'm a glutton for punishment ) that is the first time I've seen Suarez actually dive with no contact. (and yes, it was an embarrassment ) Yes, he goes down easily a lot, but there is always some contact. Bale, Young and Wellbeck I've seen do the most ridiculous dives, but not a lot is ever said about it.

Suarez is getting completely unfair treatment in the press and it's really starting to get on my tits. The whole "racism" thing was a complete farce, and now the "diving" thing is out of control.

Had the ref booked him for simulation on Sunday I'd have had no complaints at all. The fact he doesn't get awarded blatant penalties due to his "reputation" is beyond a joke though. It's about time referees started using their eyes and judged the bloody incidents themselves rather than basing their decisions on someones reputation.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Well i'm glad I went down the "try before you buy" route with this one.

It's buggy as hell, and when it comes down to the actual gameplay the latest PES pisses all over it.

I'm done with FIFA. It's a highly polished turd.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :Explain. ....Cant wait for this one!

It is hardly a difficult concept.

Atheists believe in none of the hundreds of gods.
Christians believe in one of the hundreds of gods.

Ergo, you are nearly as much of an atheist as us atheists in the big scheme of things
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Yes, please tell us more about what we're interested in...

To be fair he's quoting George Carlin so have a go him instead.
..actually don't. If you have a go at Carlin I'll have to give you a slap The man's a legend
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The Moose
S2 licensed
24 Sep Stefano Casillo ‏@KunosStefano
@McKafre relax guys, we're way late and busy,I don't see anything coming out before the end of October, but trust me,good things are cookin'
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :I don't know what you guys are talking about. This demo is the best racing simulator I've ever played and I am going to pre-order 20 copies because it's that good. As usual it's clearly had a HUGE overhaul from the previous years game and barely anything included is similar, everything is new and refreshing. Great work Codemasters, you've clearly listened to your customers, more of the same please!

You've just caused my sarcasm detector to explode
The Moose
S2 licensed
With regards to Britain, it's worth noting that only 4.6% of the population are Muslim. When you look at that figure combined with the results of that poll it really put into perspective the real situation.

Again, I put it to you that flymike is doing nothing but scaremongering and exaggerating . His ridiculous claims are nothing but the kind of rhetoric we hear from the BNP. They bare no relevance to reality.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Mitt Romney has a vote! Flymike must have visited the thread. I cant think of anyone else mad enough to vote for him.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Yes yes everyone who thinks thousands of years of Western culture is something to be cherished and protected is a racist, multiculturalism is not anti-white, and when Muslims gain political power they will not use it to advance Islamist ideology. Sorry I misspoke.

Demographic statistics cannot be ignored or skewed. You are being replaced. Whites in Europe are so guilty of past colonialism and nationalism that they have simply stopped having children and advancing their culture. Why would Muslims assimilate into European culture when the Europeans hate it themselves? You must assimilate into Islam, which for better or worse is a much more potent and alive sociopolitical movement than whatever it is Europe stands for.

Wow, quite the most ridiculous post I've seen here for a very long time.

The right wing paranoia is strong in you. Looking forward to seeing the sources for your misinformation.....

You must be a friend of Steven Taranto on the iRacing forum, who came out with this peach

Quote from Steven Taranto :I like England a lot. I've got a lot to thank that country for, namely shows and movies I grew up with like Wallace & Gromit and Thomas The Tank Engine. It just makes me sick that the place is reaching a point where it'll only be a couple more years before Sharia Law takes effect.

Straight from the BNP that one.

Not sure what your point is about the Belgian man. More white people are beaten up/killed by gangs of other whites than anyone else. Other people tend not to get involved for fear of their own safety. Not sure why if it was a gang of Muslims anything would be any different.
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The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :I do not think he will manage to keep it together tomorrow

I've no doubt Jenson can keep it together... It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if McLaren screw up the strategy or a pitstop and blow it for him though.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :
You say we shouldn't kill a murderer because that's lowering ourselves to THEIR level, but apparently in your mind, it's ok for OTHERS to beat that person within inches of their life.

Is it? Wow, thanks for informing me what's ok in my mind.

I see your ability to ignore what was said and make up your own interpretation hasn't diminished.

Quote from BlueFlame :As a taxpayer if you're happy with paying money towards a criminal killer whilst you struggle to put food on your own table for your own children then maybe you need to re-think your priorities.

I can't speak for people that are in that situation, but personally I'd rather keep paying for people to be detained for life rather than be complicit in their murder to save a few quid. I'm more concerned about what is morally right rather than money. Anyone that is in favour of the death penalty rather than life imprisonment for financial reasons has lost all sense of humanity.

@ Hyperactive.. I'll respond to your points later.
The Moose
S2 licensed
The death sentence can never be the right way.

You cant condemn murderers on one hand then agree that murdering someone as a punishment is fine. And that's what the death penalty is, no matter how you want to dress it's state sanctioned, pre-meditated murder.

I have no problem with complaints that his prison may be too easy, but that's really a separate issue, and no matter how comfy his prison may be, it really is no way to live the rest of your life. Can you seriously tell me that spending 60 odd years without the ability to ever leave a pretty small area is living a life?
Don't forget, he's not going to have an easy time in Jail. He's a child killer. Child Killers are looked down upon as the lowest of the low even amongst criminals. He's a control freak..he'll have no control of his life now. Anyone that argues that he's got it too easy in prison is deluded. After a few years inside I bet if you offered him the death penalty he's take it.

The cost to taxpayers is a complete non argument imo. It's a moral question.. do we lower ourselves to the level of these criminals? Do we become murderers for the sake of revenge? Surely we have moved on as a species. We are better than them. Let's act like it. It's not like they would suddenly reduce your taxes ever time they knocked off a prisoner anyway
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The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Justice is an eye for an eye, whatever way you look at it, THAT is true justice,

Bullshit. That's not justice, it's revenge.

Justice is punishing someone for their crimes. Removing their liberty for the rest of their lives is justice. Killing them is the easy way out.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU : Yet not sure if Brandon Rodgers should trust Sterling so much, 90 minutes its quite a lot for unexperienced 17yo...

No problem with Sterling getting 90 mins. He was fantastic, is mature beyond his years and is the best thing we've had on the wing for years.

I doubt BR will over use him this season though. I can see him and Assaidi getting rotated a lot (as long as Assaidi settles in ok and plays well)

Very impressed with Joe Allen. Pretty sure he'll prove more than worth of his price tag.

Cant wait to see Sahin playing as well. Our midfield looks so much stronger than this time last year.

Frustrating that Skrtel mad that howler, we clearly deserved the win. Feeling positive about the future though.
The Moose
S2 licensed
I've caught up on a load of this years 'popcorn' films in the last few days.

AVENGERS: Despite the usual comic book movie cliché plot, this was a massively entertaining romp. Some great SFX and genuinely funny moments. 8/10. This is what mindless entertainment is all about.

THE CABIN IN THE WOODS: Again...simply great entertainment. A genuinely original take on the popcorn horror movie, and the craziest final act of a film i've seen in years. 7/10

JOHN CARTER: I was expecting the worst considering what a flop it was at the box office. So watching it with very low expectations, i was surprised at how much i ended up enjoying it. Yes, we've seen many aspects of it before in Avatar, Star Wars etc, but seeing as the source material was what influenced those films in the first place it's no surprise. Fantastic visuals and an engaging enough story, it was another really entertaining couple of hours of mindless fun. Not sure why it was such a flop to be honest. It's a solid 7/10 popcorn flick.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :So you'll spread the word around town now, that Boris is always right? :P

Not until you admit Avatar is horribly overrated and Act Of Valour is a terrible movie

You're sure are right about What Dreams May Come though. It's just awful on so many levels. I'll give it a 3/10 for being visually appealing in places. That's the only positive I can find in it.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :So you seen it Moose?

Holy crapolla.... What a steaming pile of vomit inducing horse shit that was!
The Moose
S2 licensed
cool story bro.

(I can see this thread lasting a long time :really
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Looks good but I think they limited the marketability by simply making it brasilian stuff. I really wouldnt mind it if they expanded some more. But I think i saw f1 in a few screens. Does this game have mods?

There's Minis, F3, F1, Historic F1 and Camaros as well as the Stock cars.

The original tracks are all from Brazil though, but there are a few addon tracks you can download that aren't in Brazil.
The Moose
S2 licensed
I'm just about to sit down at watch it Boris. I get a very strong feeling that i'm going to be in full agreement with you for a change
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from Zipppy :Looks interesting, I've been a bit a follower of Brazilian stock car, mainly because I have family there, and my grandfather was a big car nut.

It's a damn good sim, and now available for only $20 US
The Moose
S2 licensed
V1.10 update out...with the Minis!

Great fun
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :I'm scared that Romney might have a chance. He's a maniac.

Unfortunately we're talking about a country that voted Bush in twice. I share your fear.
The Moose
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :20% with Mitt Romney, not a surprise. 75% with Obama and my best match is Jill Stein with 93%. Also 94% with the green party.

Exactly the same results
The Moose
S2 licensed
I had absolutely 0 steering lag on any version of nKPro.